LOVE – “A profound tender, passionate, affection for another person. A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection. Sexual passion or desire.” By definition “LOVE” is a beautiful word. It evokes feelings of care, respect, and security. With all the beauty that this word encompasses why is it so many, men in particular, treat this word like an anomaly? Now there are many of us who don’t but for those of you that do this article is for you! If you’re a reader of my past articles you know my views tend to be male driven. I admit to the audacity of knowing what men think! Most of the time! (Wink) But, in doing my due diligence for this article, I wanted to take my female view on this one. I wanted the answer (or try to find anyway) to the age old question “ Why do men seemingly have a harder time falling in love than women?” By and large, women are prone to be more emotional beings on the surface. Never fully able to keep the physical and emotional separate like our “stronger” counterparts. We allow love through our door, even when we know it has no business knocking! We are suckers for love every time! But, what keeps some men from saying or feeling THE strongest emotion? My guess, VULNERABILITY! Picture this, from the time of a young boy many men are taught to be strong and in control of their feelings. To stand alone in their thoughts and emotions. Falling in love means allowing someone in your life with complete trust and giving of your emotions and yes, being vulnerable.
Maybe this is equated as weakness or being “square?” Do people say that word anymore? Anyway, love when it bites a man’s ass can make him weak as a baby! It’s hard for some men to even get “all emotional” even thinking about falling in love. Society, media, even some cultures imbed in us that men are more virile, sexy, more masculine when he keeps love at a distance. That he is forever the “Playa, Pimp, or Ladies Man!” I personally believe it’s all smoke and mirrors. For every “ladies man” I find a man that is scared to need someone else. Scared to think that a woman can have a measure of control regarding his feelings and emotions. It’s hard to accept the fact that someone has the ability to hurt you. Keeping love at a distance allows the power of keeping yourself safe and in control. Unaffected, Unattached, emotionally detached. Ever hear a woman describe these words about you? I truly believe there is a good woman out there for every man. But, maybe our experiences and our pasts keep us from believing in the ideal? Many of us have never seen or experienced an ideal representation of what love truly is. This may go back as far as childhood. There are many factors that can contribute to many men keeping themselves distant from love. I’m no psychologist and this subject can clearly go very deep! But, I am a hopeless romantic and believe that a man loving a woman is the most beautiful, satisfying, and rewarding feeling in the world! If you don’t allow it into your life, ask yourself “Do I deserve it?” If the answer is yes, than allow it to enrich your life! If the answer is no, then PLAY ON “PLAYA” PLAY ON!!! Til Next time! Please email me with all your questions, comments, and suggestions at shandasays1@gmail.com and I’m on twitter @shandasays! Muah!!