Name: Mozay
Measurements: 31 – 27 – 44
Zodiac: Leo
Occupation: Esthetician, Enterpreneur, Model/Actress
Hometown: White Post, VA / Winchester, VA
Why did you get into the industry of Urban Modeling?
I got into the business because I thought it was an excellent way to build a network with all different types of people, business, artist, producers people of that nature. At the end of the day I am building my business, my empire for my daughter’s future.
What do you like and dislike about the industry?
I love some of the bonds I have made with people, some of them have become like family. I try and keep up with the good contacts I make. However, I don’t like that there is a stigma or label that is often put on the “Urban Model”. They sometimes say I don’t respect myself and I’m not a good example for my daughter but I see the bigger picture and teach my daughter right.
Do you feel this industry objectifies women?
Depends, on if you let it do so! I have had men offer things and say they would do things for me. But I refuse to sell myself to the devil! If I can’t make it without that I don’t want it!
What projects are you working on now and when can we expect to see them take form?
Did you get to see Black Panther, what did you think about it and did you take anything from the movie?
What is sexy to you?
Smart, motivated, determined , strong man. That really turns me on!
What is romance to you?
For romance, that same man, smart, strong, motivated needs to love me without limits and no expectation. That feeling of being enough for a person, a little bit of that can make everything romantic.
How was your experience shooting with
Great, Jason makes me feel really comfortable and helps make things perfect so we can slay the shoot!