Name: Lynda Rose
Dimensions: 34C – 28 – 44
Zodiac: Capricorn
Occupation: Bartender, Bottle Girl, Hostess, Model
Hometown: Queens, NY
Bio: The lovely Lynda Rose is a woman of many talents. Not only is she an accomplished eye-candy model and bartender, but this internet sensation aspires to be an actress and entrepreneur. We assumed her online fame would make her a bit of a diva, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth… she’s as sweetheart, humbled, positive, and hours of fun to hang out with.
Why did you get into the industry?
When I was growing up, I got so many compliments like “girl you’re so beautiful” and “you’ve got great posture” so I started modeling. Initially, I just got into bartending to make extra money, but if you look at the night life now, everywhere you turn all the models are bartenders. So everything kinda just worked together.
What was your first gig or experience in the industry?
The first thing I did was this video shoot for an underground rapper. After that I started doing fashion shows, we held weekly fashion shows at my old job. Then after that I did a ton of videos! I’ve worked with Jim Jones, 50 Cent, Meek Mills, and Chinx… who tragically passed away recently.
Where do you see yourself in the next few years?
I want to run my own modeling agency, have my own girls out there. I’m ready to go behind-the-scenes! I’m kind of tired of being up in front. It’s time to help other girl to do what I’ve done… that’s what I’m aiming for.
What do you like about the industry?
As far as bartending I like the fact that I can make my own schedule. The money is real good. I have been doing it for the last three and half years so it works well for me, my child, and my family.
You’re one of the few models that doesn’t hide her family, do you mind talking about that?
It’s interesting you should bring that up! My child is my pride and joy, but recently this lady on Instagram (IG) commented on a video of my daughter and she said “I want you to do yourself a favor…” she wasn’t disrespectful about it, but she said “do yourself a favor and stop posting pictures of your daughter on this IG… this account is about you and your modeling pictures.” She didn’t disrespect my pictures, or even say anything about me being half naked, she was just giving advice. She said, “you never want the world that is watching you, to start watching your daughter.”
I work full-time, and I’m a full-time mommy. It’s not that it’s hard to be a mom and do what I do, but I have to manage my time.
Wow, so how did that make you feel?
Her saying that one thing to me made me open my eyes. People have said things to me before about posting my fiancé [SW: sorry fellas] but with my child it just made sense cuz there’s a lot of creeps on my IG. They’ll message me naked photos and things like that, and it makes me think: when I’m posting my daughter, what are you thinking?
Yea, totally… so what did you do?
It hurt me, but I went thru IG and deleted sooo many pictures… that really hurt, but it would hurt me more if someone said something disrespectful or if somebody tried something… the world is small and the bigger I get the more I have to think about her exposure, and it can be dangerous with so many followers.
What else don’t you like about the industry?
IG boosts our popularity, which helps with bookings and gigs, but then promoters want us to constantly put up fliers and promote where I’m going to work. That kinda interferes with the modeling. People on IG are more likely to just want to see you and your pics, not necessarily go to the party or the club. So the promotion kinda steps on the toes of the modeling.
What advice would you give an up and coming model that you wish someone gave my you?
Stay humble don’t let the money change you. A lot of these girls become greedy and put down other girls just to be on top. When really, I think we should all be trying to come up together. We should be promoting ourselves and throwing parties ourselves.
They’re out there looking for girls and it may be you this week then someone else next week.
Don’t mess around with these industry guys, don’t fall into that trap… know what you are going for! If you’re in it for the money, maybe some of the fame, then stick to your goals. Don’t get me wrong, if your goal is to run the street with every rapper, that’s your business… but I would hope that’s not anyone’s goal.
What advice would you ask a more experienced model?
I really like Tyra Banks and I would ask her how she went from being front-and-center, to going behind the scenes, running her own show? I don’t think I want my own show, but like I said, I’m trying to start an agency. I would want to know how to manage the models, you know, so they can have faith in me and I can help them get gigs, and help them be beautiful… both on the inside and out.
Speaking of Tyra, you don’t usually model high fashion or couture, how did you like Marco Hall’s pieces?
I loved them, I loved them! [BIG SMILE] Marco Hall was amazing, all the stuff he picked out for just for me was amazing. I really loved it, everything fit perfectly and you guys were great too!
Thanks, but it was all you! What stood out about the shoot?
I don’t think I’ve ever done anything like this. Most of the time I’m wearing lingerie or I’m in really skimpy clothes and I’m tired of that. So with the attire that I wore for the shoot, I love it because it was very high fashion, very couture. I was covered, but it still had sex appeal… it showed versatility, it showed another part of me, and I like switching it up.
How do you feel you’re empowering yourself and others?
I’m very professional and I’m not disrespectful… to myself or others. I try to uplift people around me. And I always try to tell women to do other things out side of what we do, because you know this doesn’t last forever. I try to encourage them to open up businesses… with the amount of money we make, there’s enough room and opportunity to do a lot of other things.
Do you feel this industry objectifies women?
I mean… I would agree in some ways, but I don’t let it stop me. There are some women that doubt themselves because how others look at certain kinds of women. I have confidence in everything I do, and I push forward. I have faith in God and trust that He will pull me through anything, as long as it’s positive and not degrading.
Any interesting you’d like to share with us and your fans?
Umm, well I’m a tomboy. Most people don’t know that about me. People see me in dresses and all “dolled up” most of the time, but that’s not me… that part of me is just for work. I’m really a homebody and usually chillin’ on the couch, in sweats, watching a movie! I could just watch movies all week!
Photoshoot Credits:
Model: @lyndarose
Designer: @marcohall
Makeup Artist: @iammedestini
Creative Director: @stevendzyn
Photographer: @shotbyjason
[…] Name: Lynda Rose […]